- Look at the time shown by the clock.
- Write the number that hour hand points to.
- Put a :
- The minute hand moves from one number to the next in 5 minutes
- To write the number that minute hand points to: Count by 5, starting from 12. (12 to 1 it is 5. 1 to 2 another 5, 2 to 3 another 5 and so on....5,10,15,20,25....... )
- Time in 5 minutes will be in the increments of 5 that is 5, 10, 15, 20, 25,.....
- If the minute hand points to 12 then write 00.
What is the time shown in the clock?

Answer :8:35
Directions: What is the time shown by the clocks. Also write at least 10 examples of your own.