Sometimes when you need to regroup, there is a zero in the next place. Then you need to regroup or rearrange the numbers in a different way.
- Line up the numbers in their place value columns.
- Subtract the digits in the ones place. Since you cannot take away from zero, you need to regroup. That is borrow from tens place.
- If the tens digit is also zero then borrow from hundreds digit.
- If the hundreds digit is also zero then borrow from thousands digit and so on...
- After regrouping or rearranging subtract each column starting with the ones, tens, hundreds and so on....

- Regroup the thousands digit: 4 thousands as 3 thousands and 10 hundreds.
- Regroup the hundreds digit: 10 hundreds as 9 hundreds and 10 tens.
- Regroup the tens digit: 10 tens as 9 tens and 10 ones.
- Subtracting each column starting with ones, tens, hundreds and thousands gives 1104
Answer: 1104
Directions: Subtract the following. Show your work with regrouping numbers. Also write at least 5 examples of your own.
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